In some cities, public parks and open spaces are being changed into gardens where local residents can grow their own fruit and vegetables. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

In some metropolises, recreational spaces
and open zones are getting transformed into agricultural
for local people to plant their own fruit and vegetables. The essay will examine the advantages and disadvantages of transforming public
. Whilst acknowledging that there are some benefits, the essay will argue that the disadvantage of changing public
overweigh the advantages. One of the benefits of changing public
and open zones into
to grow fruits and vegetables is it will provide additional opportunities for individuals to earn money. During the formal Soviet Union in most cities, it was in practice growing fruits and vegetables in public
and open spaces near houses.
way allowed most people to survive during the economic crisis.
, the phenomenon has some drawbacks, one of which is the transformation of
and open zones into agricultural fields means individuals will not have a place to walk or practice some sports in open
it will bring some illnesses
as obesity. A recent survey by Focus shows most of the city residents go walking at least one time a day in
gives the idea that public
must be reserved for people’s health being. In conclusion, despite the fact that changing public spaces into
have some advantages, I believe that the drawbacks of the issue overweigh the benefits.
due to
the fact that the population in the cities need more space to do sports and go for a walk to avoid health-related problems.
Submitted by akram.amirkulov on

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
    • Sentence 1 - Background statement
    • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
    • Sentence 3 - Thesis
    • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
    • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
    • Sentence 2 - Example
    • Sentence 3 - Discussion
    • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
    • Sentence 1 - Summary
    • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
    • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • Urban Agriculture
  • Community Engagement
  • Social Interaction
  • Physical Exercise
  • Mental Relaxation
  • Fresh Produce
  • Sustainability
  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Air Quality
  • Educational Opportunities
  • Horticulture
  • Teamwork
  • Sustainable Living
  • Food Security
  • Locally-grown
  • Nutritious
  • Neighborhood Bonds
  • Urban Sustainability
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