The top priority of businesses is making money, and they do not need to have social respoinsibilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that the primary goal of many businesses is maximizing their profits and satisfying their shareholders,
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social responsibilities are not their primary concern.
essay disagrees with that opinion and will give information to support its decision. All people around the world must be responsible for social work, especially enterprises. Indeed, if entrepreneurs concentrate on social responsibilities like making new job opportunities, they will earn long team success and reputation in the future.,
many companies nowadays have decided to finance public responsibilities
as philanthropic actions and environmental problems.
For instance
in Vietnam, many companies aided to the central where flooding affected badly .
On the other hand
, there are people who argued that maximizing profits should be the main objective of businesses.Their belief is based on, some firms going bankrupt because their donation surpassed their annual venue,or maybe they wanted to comfort their stock owner and their fame.
, they could spend their money wisely on social duties like dealing with factory
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or donating to the poor, and the result is that they can gain a competitive edge and create value for themselves and society. In short,
it is irrefutable that financing social accountability is never a negative option, I will contend that if companies give their money to the public, they will receive an enormous benefit and only a few drawbacks that sometimes do not exist regularly.
Submitted by [email protected] on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • sustainability
  • profit generation
  • social responsibilities
  • long-term benefits
  • enhanced reputation
  • customer loyalty
  • ethical issues
  • negative public image
  • sustainable development
  • moral obligation
  • resilience
  • align
  • profitability
  • integrate
  • innovate
  • influence
  • contribute
  • boycotts
  • legal challenges
  • irresponsible practices
  • market changes
  • crises
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