There is always an argument about whether one can turn over a new leaf once committed a crime. The justice system nowadays is sending criminals to prison in order to make sure our society will be safe.
, others think that sending them to prison wouldn’t change anything, the better solution will be to give them education and appropriate training. I think that both opinions got their benefits and disadvantages but it really depends.
On one hand, sending them to lock up will be an effective way to let them know they are wrong meanwhile warns other citizens not to carry out illegal actions. For serious acts Linking Words
as drug trafficking, murder and terrorism, the judge will consider giving them a longer time of serving in jail or for serious circumstances death sentences might Linking Words
be an option. Linking Words
In addition
, if the offender repeats similar actions again, he will be getting a penalty longer than before. Linking Words
, Linking Words
law system will keep our society safe by locking them away Linking Words
telling the consequences of unlawful practices .
Linking Words
On the other hand
, keeping them inside will not change them into a nicer person. A lot of crimes were Linking Words
due to
the lack of tutoring and poverty. Linking Words
For example
, a child who grew up in slums never goes to school Linking Words
as well as
recognizes pickpocketing as a way to survive. Linking Words
, giving some education and training to let them able to survive with an ability Linking Words
as plumbing or sewing techniques will be a better longtime quick fix. After the penalty ends, they can live their life with proper occupation. There are studies proving giving suitable schooling to lawbreakers will mend one’s way.
In conclusion, I think that both solutions had their pros and cons but it depends on the solution. I believe tuition will be suitable for misdemeanours Linking Words
felonies will be using heavier penalties. Linking Words
will let locals realize that people that had serious mistakes will have their punishment Linking Words
one that doesn’t have the chance to be good have a second chance.Linking Words