A museum near your home is looking for people to do part-time voluntary/unpaid work. You would like to do some voluntary/unpaid work at the museum. Write a letter to the museum director to apply for the voluntary/ unpaid work. In your letter, explain why you want to do voluntary/unpaid work at the museum describe some skills and qualities you have that would be useful give details of when you would be available for work

Dear sir/ madam I am writing
letter, regarding the vacancies that are open at your museum. I want to apply for
part time
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unpaid work.
I am working full time from Monday to Friday until 4
, I thought of doing some volunteer work at the Royal Ontario Museum so that, I can utilize
Correct article usage
the rest
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of my time exploring better things. I would like to highlight some of my skills that can be of great importance for
, I am an extrovert personality, always love to be friendly with others and respect them.
, I have been working as a customer service representative at a restaurant and have experience
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handling all types of customers with different approaches. If selected for
position, I would be available to work in the evenings from 5pm to 9
on weekdays and 10 am to 1
on the weekends. Yours faithfully Harpreet Kaur
Submitted by happywander9 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Enthusiastic
  • Volunteer
  • Part-time
  • Unpaid work
  • Museum director
  • Skills and qualities
  • Customer service
  • Organization
  • Team player
  • Flexible
  • Reliable
  • Positive attitude
  • Availability
  • Professional goals
  • Community contribution
  • References
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