The two maps below show the changes that have taken place in the town of Westley since 1815.

The two maps below show the changes that have taken place in the town of Westley since 1815.
The two maps
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the modification which has taken place at Westley from 1815 to now.
, the fields which were situated on the North-west side are now constructed with a railway path. The roads are extended and the Lenton woods are totally removed from the map. In 1815, the twine toll bridge was across the Twine River which was the main gateway to London but
is now eliminated from the map. Now, the railway is constructed from North-west to South-east. The Cinema is built next to the main railway station. The highway road is
made longer with junctions in the middle of the road.On the North-east side, the shopping, business and residential area is newly built.
the houses are replaced with business and residential areas.
In contrast
, the market square and Town hall remained unchanged throughout the period.
, The pathway to London was abridged from the figure. In the mid-point of the
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town the Church is substituted with the West Gate Shopping Centre. In the same way, the Coach Inn was overtaken by a Sports Centre and Museum. Looking at the South-East Side the Red Lion and Lenton Hotel are replaced by Lord Westley's House.
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Basic structure: Use less body paragraphs.
Vocabulary: Only 5 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "maps" was used 3 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the second paragraph.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
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