some people believe that teaching childern at home is best for child,s development while others think that it is important for childern to go to schools. discuss the advantages of both methods and give your own opinion.

It is indeed true that education plays a vital role in offspring's lives.
, it is believed that off-springs should be taught at home for the best development of the scion rather than in an institution. In
essay, I will discuss both merits of faculty and homes for teaching heir and give my opinion
at the end
of the essay. on the first hand, It has many pros to teach offspring at the department. First of all, In the academy, they can improve their confidence and communication
For example
, In the education centre, they have to take part in competitions and do assignments in a team or alone, which will help to improve self- steam and communication
Apart from
, these
help in later life to compete with their co-workers and competitors.
, in the institute, they learn sports, cooking
, dancing and singing with academic
. These
are impossible to teach at the house.
on the other hand
, if young people learn at home from their parents and family members
it will help to save money and time which they spend to take admission to the hall and use transport to go to the academy
as bus or van.
, they can save to adopt bad habits from their fellow students
as drugs, spending a lot of time on social media and disrespecting elder people.
To conclude
, even though studying at the house has some benefits for students.
according to
my point of view, parents should send their heir to university for learning extracurricular activities
as painting, singing and sport.
Submitted by 2025veena on

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