Many people believe that studying at university is the best way to develop oneself, learn new skills and find a well-paid job. Other people believe that more is learned from getting a job straight away after school and leaning whilst working. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

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There is an ever-increasing number of job opportunities around the world. It is often argued that the young should study at university in order to obtain updated newest academic
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and earn better pay,
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others disagree and feel that it will be more effective to learn practical
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at work day by day. I am in favour of expanding knowledge at tertiary institutions.
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it is clear that
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have provided advanced study curricula to students who become professionals,
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as doctors, lawyers and teachers. Having those high qualifications, people devote studying specialised subjects at least for four years or more.
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, professionals should have broad knowledge and their salary must meet their load of work and responsibilities.
On the other hand
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, many disagree and think that the working environment has more opportunities to acquire appropriate occupational
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in a professional field.
For instance
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, if you would like to become a chef, a qualification is not required, just you need experience and to learn as you work with senior colleagues or even watch youtube to obtain culinary techniques.
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way is by far more productive and cost-effective, rather than studying at
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for four years. Having said that, comparing a qualified chef and an unqualified chef, unfortunately, in our real life the latter would be getting less pay, as qualification will prove the importance of fundamental theoretical knowledge of the profession. In conclusion, the benefits of studying at
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allow students to study officially an approved source of academic education for their professional life,
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some still feel that people should be wary of
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phenomenon and not suit all young people.
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, in my view, students should have legitimate academic
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for acquiring qualifications and
as a result
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have more advantages in today’s society.

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