It is commonly argued that
should be taught about transport laws and methods of safe driving at their schools in order to diminish considerably the percentage of people being killed innocently in accidents. Personally, I can completely agree or disagree with
statement for a variety of reasons.
On the one hand, the opinion to generate more knowledge of driving
to pupils when they are studying at schools. People speculate
might be
the fact that it can raise awareness among
about the importance of driving carefully and confidently. They might access the new knowledge that human life is
, they have an obligation to pay the most attention to driving any vehicle. Another reason is that, if a kid has an opportunity to learn about professional
when they accidentally face with urgent situations at an early age, they will be prepared a stable mind and huge confidence when driving.
, when he grew up, he will feel comfortable and confident as being an expert or master in driving cars or any vehicles.
a recent study, it is pointed out that in developed nations, multiple
are being instructed in detail about safe
to avoid death or unwanted accidents.
, the percentage of humans being killed by traffic accidents has been improved much better
, I disagree with the viewpoint that teaching
about safety methods when driving a result in teenagers feeling confident and not well-prepared.
, some claim that it is too soon to generate the
these lessons since there are a wide variety of subjects and homework that have to concern.
means that
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the number of deadlines or problems at school have enough anxiety for teenagers,
might feel under a lot of pressure and hard to concentrate on their passion, dreams and their favourite subjects.
, it will disturb and annoy
by focusing on their work and might lead to a decline in the quality of the study.
viewpoint might be
explained by the fact that their young brains are not ready to access these strange fields.
, surveys have shown that many
feel that it is not so essential to spend their time learning about the necessities of learning safe driving
In conclusion,
attending lessons about safety
might accidentally threaten
's interests, hobbies and the duration of the main subjects, I'm convinced that
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human life is the most precious and vital to each people,
, being able to be well-prepared is always a good thing.