Fast food is getting more and more popular over the
few decades Linking Words
due to
its being cheaper and more delicious, Linking Words
, the majority of people tend to keep up with these kinds of trends, but, it affects the food quality. In my view, following these patterns have both pros and cons which I should believe considered seriously, and the following expository paragraphs will expatiate both stances with lucid examples.
Linking Words
, in contemporary society, in which the kinds of fast foods are well-known on all continents, individuals prefer to eat them rather than the local and traditional ones. Over the Linking Words
few years, these brands developed at a light speed, and many folks are keen on them. Linking Words
it has a comparatively lower cost, it will cause an unhealthy lifestyle and make you fat which is one of the biggest problems in society. Linking Words
For instance
, in the USA, which is leading the index of overweight in the world, an overwhelming number of people have been facing Linking Words
challenge and Linking Words
takes them to lose conventional cooking methods.
Linking Words
, introducing Linking Words
brand to the country, a tremendous method of heritage and culture is being lost because of fast cuisine. A lot of countries have their own foodstuff methods Linking Words
as well as
cultures Linking Words
as Japanese sushi, Korean noodle, and Mongolian khuushuur, and all these precious methods should be encouraged Linking Words
of them. A study shows that cooking quality is one of the criteria that judge the region's development, Linking Words
many nations lay more emphasis on their qualities.
In conclusion, the only way to balance both fast food consumption and traditional ones is to control them because overeating can cause many disorders Linking Words
as heart disease, blood pressure, and even sedentary behaviour.Linking Words