It is better to buy just a few expensive clothes, rather than lot of cheap clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often believed that purchasing costly outfits is of importance
of consuming inexpensive ones. I vehemently agree with
opinion because it appears more economical in the long–term customer perspective and assures the well-being of the planet.
To begin
with, investing relatively high prices
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clothes is cost-effective in the long run. If customers tend to buy cheaper items of clothing, it would not guarantee the quality of those and
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likely to become less usable soon.
, the clothes with
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a high
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cost assure
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good standards and
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to use for a longer period of time, despite
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initial payment. Lee Cooper,
for example
, has become a famous costume brand in many countries with a good rate of customer preference regardless of relatively high price in the textile market, since they often ensure the durability of products.
, no matter how much the price is going to be it is mindful to invest in quality clothing than the cheaper articles. Expensive articles of clothing can
assist to save nature. When the less expensive clothing articles are available the more customers tend to buy them regardless of the actual requirement. With the aim of supplying
rising market demand, manufacturers are encouraged to increase the rate of production resulting in over-exploitation of natural resources in the form of raw materials; burning fuel for supplying power to factories.
, if people are allowed to buy a handful of high-cost clothes, many may consider their actual necessity as it is less likely affordable for frequent purchasing.
can undoubtedly under-control the usage of natural resources. In conclusion, it is considered to be better to buy a few costumes
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a high price. I strongly agree with
due to
it renders more economical benefits for buyers and allows to protect the natural environment.
Submitted by drasikad on

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