Plastic bags, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are bad for environment. What damage does plastic do to the environment. What can be done by the governments and individuals to solve this problem?

There is no doubt in the fact that
has left a major impact on our nature. The essay will discuss the reason behind it and what the authorities and people can do to stop these causes. There are too many reasons why
damages the environment. Mainly,
is a biodegradable product, which means it remains for a long in nature. Because of
air ventilation of the soil is reduced and
as a result
reduces the fertility of the land.
According to
a survey result, the time of plan growth has increased in comparison to the
fifty years.
In addition
, if
comes in contact with water sources,
due to
its small size marine animals easily swallow it and cause death. To get rid of waste some burn it and
as a result
, it releases poisonous gases into the air.
keeps a major impact on the land, the water and the air. To reduce the impact of
items it is necessary for both governments and individuals to take action. By forcing some strict action the authorities can reduce both production and marketing. For instants, in a country like ,India the government has banned the use of
bags below a certain level of micro by penalty of jail or money.
, the mature behaviour of common civilization is
required to solve
For example
, the public needs to use paper or cloth bags
doing any type of purchasing.
To sum up
, there is no doubt about the effect of
bags and other
stuff on the soil by reducing its fertility and marine life. It is acceptable of implementing some punishable rules by the government and with the understanding of people problems can be overcome easily.
Submitted by jaimini2000 on

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Linking words for giving examples:

  • for example
  • for instance
  • to illustrate this
  • to give a clear example
  • such as
  • namely
  • to illustrate
  • take, for example

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • plastic pollution
  • ecosystems
  • wildlife
  • climate change
  • fossil fuels
  • air pollution
  • strict regulations
  • plastic consumption
  • eco-friendly alternatives
  • sustainable packaging
  • recycling facilities
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