Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared treely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In the contemporary world, the academic arena, business companies and new technologies all look to previous
and experiments for success. Some people think that
not be shared because of security purposes.
, others think that flourishing in the scientific era, education and trade markets valuable knowledge should be shared without limitation. I am going to scrutinise both aspects in
paragraphs before forming an opinion in the
. On the one side of the coin, the proponents in favour of sharing
without any restrictions because without the knowledge of the past,it would be difficult to grow in certain fields are impossible.
For instance
, if the U.S. not telling about the Internet we live in an internet-free world.
it helps people in myriad ways like in study and workplaces digitalisation makes life easy and comfortable for individuals.
, scientists always view other scientists' work and study previous data for new research to not repeat the errors.
, knowledge should be freely shared without limitations for the country's development.
On the other hand
, the opponents believe that some
should be hidden for country purposes.
For instance
, the use of weapons needs to be secured because sometimes it goes into the wrong hands.
, a community faces the consequences.
, some business companies like Apple company do not want to share their ideas of development because if other companies
know they should equally benefit, demand for their products decline and
drastically decrease the profit. So,
type of
not be published or shared.
To conclude
, I strongly advocate that
should be freely shared for learning and development purposes but critical material needs to be hidden for the sake of the nation is
Submitted by seharfazal9 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • information sharing
  • scientific research
  • business
  • academic world
  • advancement of knowledge
  • progress
  • collaboration
  • cross-disciplinary research
  • open access
  • democratization of information
  • transparency
  • credibility
  • intellectual property
  • security concerns
  • commercial interests
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