In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The Advent of technology has made revolutionary changes in day-to-day life. The primary advancement has been concentrated on converting
-based interventions into Electronics. As the modern world has almost delved into these inherent changes, I highly anticipate that printed documents will disappear in the future. In today's globalized world, it is needless to say that digitization is the factor that characterizes our era. Mainly, the mode of communication and access to information has tremendously digitized, and individuals have become familiar with the use of smartphones.
In other words
, the prevalence of technological devices has made people's lives flexible.
For example
, if a person is planning to send a message to someone who is far away, the sender does not consider writing a letter and posting it;
, they tend to make use of social media
as WhatsApp and Facebook or email facilities which do not cost money or time.
, most companies own a website to share their information and interact with their customers effectively, which is
being practised by news organizations and bookstores. In order to deliver information in a swift manner, they strive to publish it online, so readers can access it immediately.
For instance
, if there is alarming weather, BBC and CNN publish that alert online, where people will receive immediate warnings and take necessary actions.
, reducing the use of
preserves nature and prevents natural disasters.
Due to
the rapid deforestation to produce papers, it is evident that it has been attributed to climatic change. The unannounced hurricanes, floods, and tornadoes are examples demonstrating the adverse effects of cutting down trees. To avoid
phenomena in the future it is crucial to practice avoiding
, to evade profound
usage, electronic materials can be represented as a form of knowledge sharing. In conclusion, owing to the rapid development of technology,
-based materials have become non-essential. Anticipating the future, it is readily apparent that there will be digitized materials entirely utilized without a trace of
Submitted by rvaishali23 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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