Digital phones have become an indeed thing in kids day to day-to-day lives. From my viewpoint, its positive impacts cannot overcome the negative impacts.
essay will discuss why Linking Words
became a trending thing among children and its pros and cons feedback.
When considering why kids spend more hours on mobiles, we cannot neglect it as a multifunctional updating electronic item. Because of that by using smartphones children can play games, watch videos Linking Words
as well as
have a chance to chat with their friends. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
according to
data 45% of teenagers and toddlers spend time on their phones because they are addicted to gaming. Linking Words
As a result
, they may spend more and more hours on a cell phone without considering its problematic issues.
Linking Words
, dives into these have become a nasty habit among children even if it has some useful values. Linking Words
, nowadays most parents tend to buy a smartphone because of its educational value. But nowadays most of their offspring spend time on Linking Words
because it’s a good way to waste their valuable time Linking Words
gaming, watching videos and chatting with friends. Even if helps to discover information for their studies, it may be a way to distract them from their education. As an example, during corona pandemic season most students could cover their studies through smartphones.They became addicted to it and they used to count on bad habits like gaming and utilizing social media.
Linking Words
To conclude
, kids tend to spend more and more hours on mobile phones becomes an unavoidable thing. Because of its multifunctional value, it has been popular among them and its positive impacts cannot overcome its negativity.Linking Words