The diagram gives data about the alterations of West Park Secondary School from its first condition in 1950 to the latest condition in 2010.
, It is an obvious fact that the playground and the main road were retained Linking Words
some buildings were constructed over three various years.
Linking Words
According to
the diagram, in comparison between 1950 and 1980, the most eye-catching change was that houses were taken down to build a car park area and the science block of the school building. Linking Words
, in 1980, another striking modification was the sports field that was constructed Linking Words
of farmland next to the playground. In 1980, the main road Linking Words
not undergone any process.
Verb problem
In addition
, a comparison between 1980 and 2010 years was taken into consideration, the most eye-catching modification was car park area was enlarged Linking Words
the sports field was diminished. Linking Words
, the main road, the playground field, the buildings of the school and the science block were retained in 2010 too.Linking Words