The bar chart displays some data related to the way that citizens of a country spent their weekly
in two years.
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, Linking Words
it is clear that
the money was spent on food, housing, transport, and leisure more than other options in both years, and the food was by far the highest in the first year, Linking Words
families tended to spend their Linking Words
more on entertainment in 2018.
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To begin
with, in 1968, people allocated 35 per cent of their weekly Linking Words
to buying food, whilst it declined dramatically to only about 17% in 2018. Use synonyms
On the other hand
, the average weekly spending on housing and amusement was quite similar, at 10%, and they both inclined to nearly 19% and 22% respectively. Linking Words
, paying for transportation accounted for almost 15% in 2018, Linking Words
, roughly 7% of weekly Linking Words
was expended on it in 1968.
In terms of fuel and power, clothing, and personal products, the percentages of money spent on them in 1968, were 6%, 10%, and 7%, and they all fell down to 4%, 5%, and 4% Use synonyms
. Despite all these changes, the proportion of Linking Words
spent on household goods remained the same in both years, at about 7%.Use synonyms