Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

These days, more and more people become hesitant to change as they do not want to break out of their comfort zone.
, they tend to accept some negative situations,
as undesirable occupations or lack of cash.
, I do believe that they would rather try at heart in order to improve
situations than accept them. In
essay, I will look at both sides and draw some conclusions. Let’s begin with the advantages of unwanted circumstances as they enable individuals’ sense of adaption. It is unavoidable for people to experience some ups and downs as they are parts of daily life. By accepting these difficulties, an individual might relax their mind with no pressure of any ambitions.
For example
phenomenon is suitable for women the most because they have higher responsibilities in terms of nurturing children and taking care of the family.
, being pleasant with what they are having now will enable them less depressed to strike a work-life balance. Turning to the other side of the argument, I totally agree that taking action is better than doing nothing. If people try to get out of unfavourable conditions, once they get success, they will be resistant to other challenges in the future. To be more specific, by being brave
enough to
show examples
find a new job
of sticking to the present horrible one,
for instance
, employees may gain more valuable lessons through that tough period of a lifetime.
As a result
, they can enjoy the fruit after continuous efforts. In conclusion,
remaining unchanged when dealing with unwelcome situations may benefit mental health, working hard to figure things out will provide useful skills and lessons for
Submitted by Pham Thi An Thu on

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sentence structure
While you've done an excellent job discussing both views and providing your opinion, incorporating more varied and complex sentence structures could further enhance the readability and sophistication of your essay.
example depth
For an even stronger essay, consider integrating more detailed examples and data to support your points. This approach can add depth to your arguments and make them more compelling.
You've crafted a well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that discuss each view, and a conclusion summarizing your own opinion effectively.
language use
Your choice of words and expressions showcases a very good command of the English language, contributing to a coherent and persuasive argument.
argument clarity
You've effectively outlined and supported your main points, making your position clear and understandable to the reader.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • adversity
  • resilience
  • stoicism
  • contentment
  • cope
  • adapt
  • endure
  • persevere
  • settle
  • ambition
  • tenacious
  • determined
  • resourceful
  • optimistic
  • self-improvement
  • proactive
  • initiative
  • transform
  • overcome
  • confront
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