Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?

Admittedly, old buildings have historical and cultural
, protected by legal regulations.
, some opponents believe these architectures should be converted into a commercial type of property. From my perspective, I insist that all
should be preserved.
To begin
with, it is undeniable that the historical and cultural
of the complexes.
, the historical
of the vintage
lies in the materials used in constructing these buildings, lasting over time,
the cultural
was reflected in its architectural designs and all sacred customs conducted.
, some cultural events were imparted from generation to generation, showing the diversity of culture and the deep of history.
, there are many architectural styles over time that reflect the aesthetic abilities of mankind and the technology in materials and construction methods mirror the level of scientific advancements in these civilizations. Operating sacred events in these infrastructures could cover partially the maintenance fees for these amenities, allowing the descendants to know their identity and provoking their national pride.
For instance
, Conducting The Hung Vuong Festival in the remaining ancient
to remind the descendants about the sacrificing of their ancestors for the peace and independence of their nation, which teaches people a useful historical lesson.
, opponents now pay attention to financial returns, so they believe that some unnecessary old complexes replaced by new ones.
In particular
, with population explosion at an alarming rate and urbanization accelerating, space is needed to meet commercial profitability activities.
, converting old amenities into shophouses was a preferential idea for some citizens. Modernized
can be better used to promote economic development and bring a fresh life for citizens.
For example
, more fashion shophouses,
as Lily stores in Hanoi, Vietnam, attract many tourists because of their stylist's outstanding.
To conclude
, old buildings play an important role in sustaining the cultural and traditional values of a nation, so these infrastructures should be protected. Old shabby amenities cannot draw foreign tourism, so renovating
into a shophouse to meet commercial activities and promote economic development.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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introduction conclusion present
Your introduction is clear, but it could be more engaging to better grab the reader’s attention. Also, the thesis statement could be more definitive.
logical structure
Your essay demonstrates a logical structure, effectively organizing ideas into distinct paragraphs. However, transitions between paragraphs are sometimes abrupt. Improve the flow by using connecting phrases to smoothly transition from one idea to the next.
logical structure
Try to avoid repetitive phrases such as 'historical and cultural value' and 'facilities.' Using synonyms or rephrasing can make your essay more engaging.
clear comprehensive ideas
You clearly support your points with relevant examples, but the elaboration of your ideas needs more depth. Expanding on why the preservation of old buildings is important would enhance the overall clarity.
relevant specific examples
While your examples are relevant, they could be more specific. Naming particular historical buildings and their contributions to culture and history could strengthen your argument.
complete response
Your essay addresses all parts of the task. You discuss both the importance of old buildings and the opposing viewpoint, providing a balanced perspective.
introduction conclusion present
You have a strong conclusion that effectively summarizes your main points and reinforces your thesis.
supported main points
Your main points are well-supported with examples, making your arguments stronger and more convincing.

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