In the third world, a skyrocketing number of criminal activities has generated societal instability. There are two main original roots of crime including Illiteracy and consumerist culture, which can solve each issue by standardizing education courses and strengthening financial awareness.
with, people now cannot compete with others for the corresponding job position if they do not have a bachelor's degree, which results in unemployment in many illiteracy people.
, they hard to meet their basic
in daily life which leads to the growth of wrongdoers, who participate in misdeeds as the
way to cover their financial fees.
, they have engaged in burglary, pickpocketing and robbery cases, disregarding the consequences of their misbehaviours.
, many research projects have demonstrated a positive correlation between the high unemployment index, the high percentage of illiterate and the high proportion of criminal activities.
, youngsters now live in a consumerism and materialist culture, where they believe that they are evaluated by their appearance, which promotes them to buy plenty of exorbitant fashion items. Ultimately, they joined illegal activities to meet their material
when they were insolvent since they had paid for insane expensive products that exceeded their financial ability.
, almost all of the burglar records that were investigated revealed a massive amount of credit loans in their bank accounts, which was the main impetus driving them to participate in
type of criminal to pay their maturity debts and their financial
, In order to counteract
phenomenon, which could be solved by applying the education method.
, Perhaps the most effective way is providing financial grants and scholarships for excellent students in universities and orientating other members to vocational training, helping them find their ideal job positions from some practical skills and experiences that were equipped in these academy institutions.
, people ultimately find the appropriate work, which could meet their basic
and contribute to diminishing the number of burglars on the whole.
, all these academies have to educate youngsters about financial awareness that helps them avoid some financial loan traps from the prevalence of debit credit cards.
, they should recognise their necessary
before making any impulsive decision for exorbitant commodities.
, they can cover their daily demand and feel self-satisfied with their life.
, illiteracy and materialist culture might be the main causes for the increase in illegal actions, which can be tackled by providing free educational courses and tightening financial awareness.