In many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities so the polpulation in the countryside is decreasing. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your won knowledge or experience.

In recent times, migration from rural to urban areas has gradually become the norm. Some think that
is a bad occurrence
others believe, it is a good thing. In
essay, I would be justifying the reasons why I am of the opinion that
is an adverse development.
, the movement of people from the villages to the cities increases the demand for social amenities.
That is
to say, an increase in population elevates the need for more houses, schools and even places of worship to accommodate the increasing populace.
exert more pressure on the government as they may not be able to meet up with the needs of the people.
, the abundance of individuals in urban areas increases the risk of pollution.
For instance
, an increase in the number of vehicles and factories in these places would increase the amount of green gas production which could result in air pollution and damage to the ozone layer.
, the spread of diseases is more rampant in overpopulated regions. Diseases
as tuberculosis, viral skin infection and even hemorrhagic fevers can move quickly in areas where there are a lot of people. During the COVID era, the highest number of cases was found in Lagos state, which is the most populated state in Nigeria.
In addition
, there is a plunge in the manpower in the villages
due to
means that the number of men available for farming would decline and
affect food production.
For example
due to
the migration of Nigerian northern farmers to the west, the supply of consumable crops like tomatoes, apples, etc. has reduced
due to
the lack of individuals available to grow them in the North.
, I believe that there are numerous downsides of rural-urban migration, a few advantages exist.
Due to
the movement of individuals from hamlets to the towns, there is an increase in accessibility to better amenities
as better healthcare, sophisticated housing and better-paying jobs. In conclusion, the controversy of rural flight is a common topic around the world and
there are some pros to
, I believe that the cons far outweigh the positive effects.
Submitted by ewejedabira on

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