Most people think that truth should be objective rather than subjective when it comes to news. Do you think all news true? What is the function of newspaper?

There is a general belief among the public that
should be objective rather than subjective.
, I firmly believe that most
present distorted details in many stories.
phenomenon has compromised the original functions of
, which requires reporting events objectively.
, I believe we have entered the age of fake
and alternative facts. Many influential journals operate under political influence or aim to maximize financial returns by distorting information on popular topics. Politically,
media have become instruments of propaganda. By spreading rumours and adverse stories about political opponents, candidates can gain more support in elections. Financially, newspaper stories are manipulated to attract attention, allowing them to earn more from advertising contracts.
power enables them to control narratives or make individuals the focus of criticism if their targets are not met.
For example
, a report has shown that almost all top-tier
are controlled by the government or billionaires.
As a result
, readers should be aware of and sceptical about potential misinformation. Indeed,
phenomenon has led to a distortion of the original functions of multimedia channels. The primary function of
is to provide an unbiased overview of events, allowing the public to form their own opinions.
aim to disseminate valuable information that helps audiences understand current events and how to avoid or mitigate adverse effects.
, a crucial aim of
is to foster societal development by publishing positive
, which is the cornerstone of any society.
To conclude
, I believe that most
today are influenced by political or financial interests, distorting their original good intentions.
phenomenon differs significantly from the original purpose of
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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task achievement
Ensure that examples provided are as specific as possible. While you mentioned that most top-tier newspapers are controlled by the government or billionaires, adding specific names or instances would strengthen your argument.
task achievement
Your essay provides a comprehensive and complete response to the task, addressing both questions posed.
coherence cohesion
The logical structure of your essay is sound, with clear and coherent paragraphs that enhance readability.
coherence cohesion
Your introduction and conclusion are well-framed, providing a solid opening and closing to your essay.
coherence cohesion
Your main points are well-supported, offering a clear and comprehensive insight into your stance on the issue.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • objective reporting
  • subjective interpretation
  • media bias
  • misinformation
  • journalistic integrity
  • editorial standards
  • fact-checking
  • watchdog role
  • public opinion
  • newsworthy
  • ethical journalism
  • credible sources
  • press freedom
  • sensationalism
  • media literacy
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