Question:Everybody should be allowed admission to University study program regardless of their level of Academic activity.To what extent do you agree or disagree.Give reason for your answer including relevant example from your own knowledge or experience

Proponents argue that every student must get entry into the
courses without considering his or her previous marks
opponents believe in the necessity of eligibility criteria for any kind of application acceptance. In my view of thinking, the above point is not valid in many ways, and
essay shows complete disagreement with the above statement.
, if the
keeps accepting every random application,
soon there will be value degradation of the
's reputation because of declining results.
, less eligible candidates, who got an admission without any preparation, will never value the education they are getting.
ineligible students may not perform up to the mark, and possible negative impacts on the fame of the
may start suddenly. In my degree college,
for instance
, some students with lower academic grades had been admitted through a management quota, and they were not scoring even minimum pass marks.
, with the above practice of providing candidature to everyone,some most desired applicants might get ignored in the process.
, eligible learners will not be able to take part in the
program that they really want.
As a result
, many sincere teenagers could give up on studying, which will ultimately weaken the future of the country.
For example
, in the Maharashtra state, a policy of 'No fail student till 10th' was implemented in 2014 and since
reports have shown that today's kids are barely interested in core subjects than the previous decade.
To conclude
education is the most important stage of any student's life, and there should be some filtration criteria to allow an applicant to study the course.
, there will be no value in completing a degree or master's course.
Submitted by ravirajole on

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Content balance
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