With the development of society, a good living standard has been provided for most people in the world.
, there are still regions in Linking Words
in the world. So, the attention to international entertainers has been raised as they are a high-income group. But, considering legitimacy and the development of international communities, I believe that their huge earnings should not be justified.
Use synonyms
, the fact that Linking Words
in the world is not associated with the income of international celebrities indicates that they have the right to earn high salaries. To be more specific, Use synonyms
in different regions is caused by various factors. Use synonyms
For example
, Linking Words
in China is left by historical, cultural and social elements. Use synonyms
, the high profits of famous people are from their work, Linking Words
as songs, movies and performances in international competitions, and do not cost the expenses of others. Linking Words
, their high wages should be not criticized Linking Words
due to
the indirect link between the two issues.
Linking Words
, the great earnings of international entertainers should not be criticized as they can give a hand to eliminating Linking Words
. Use synonyms
In other words
, when making huge profits, they are obligated to pay huge taxes, which can be used as a financial resource to help the development of areas which are poor. Linking Words
For example
, the money from taxes can be allocated to building basic infrastructures, Linking Words
as electricity and water stations, which are the pillar forces for Linking Words
elimination. Use synonyms
As a result
, for the contribution they make, their high financial income should not be justified.
In conclusion, the solution to Linking Words
requires corresponding governance based on different reasons in different regions, and high-income groups cannot be criticized based on the gap between rich and poor.Use synonyms