More and more international companies are investing and locating their business in foreign country. What problems will local communities face with and what can be done ?

Many multinational
move to developing countries to reduce labour expenditures.
, many employees in native
could face unemployment as their
collapse, and local communities may suffer from ailments
due to
environmental pollution.
, these adverse ramifications could be mitigated by giving tax incentives to local
and applying stricter judicial punishments.
To begin
, there are various effects from the industrial manufacturing chain movement to the third world.
, international corporations could use more automated production lines, which require less labour and produce higher productivity and better quality products.
, these ventures occupy higher market shares over local
, leading to massive layoffs as local enterprises collapse.
For example
, many native
struggle with their cash flow as they record lower revenues and marginal profits compared to the previous year.
, native bosses decide to optimize their
and remove low-performing workers.
, the communities surrounding these factories have suffered a variety of health issues since these foreign
started building their factories. Investigations have shown high levels of air pollutants and dust from coal mines and industrial waste treatment. Reports have concluded that foreign
, including Samsung Electronics, violated some environmental regulations, leading to human health impairments in the surrounding society.
, the following remedies could address these ramifications.
, governments should protect their native
by offering special financial incentives.
For instance
, reducing tariffs for local
could help them compete with large foreign
, authorities should enforce stricter financial and legal punishments for the executives of these ventures, requiring them to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of their decisions.
, stricter financial penalties should be enacted to deter selfish entrepreneurs, and the funds collected could be used for environmental projects like planting more trees.
To conclude
, massive employee layoffs and deteriorating human health conditions are the most serious consequences of these industrial movements. These ramifications could be alleviated by introducing tax incentives to local
and implementing stricter punishments.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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task achievement
To improve task response, you could provide more detailed examples and data to support your points, specifically on how tax incentives have successfully helped local companies in the past.
coherence cohesion
Increase overall coherence by adding more transitions between your ideas and paragraphs. This can make the essay flow more smoothly.
task achievement
Some sentences can be made clearer by avoiding overly complex structures. Simplify your language a little to improve clarity.
introduction conclusion present
The introduction effectively sets the stage for the discussion by clearly stating the problems and possible solutions.
introduction conclusion present
The conclusion succinctly summarizes the main points and offers practical solutions, providing a strong ending to the essay.
logical structure
The essay is well-structured with distinct paragraphs for different points, making it easy to follow.

Answer the 'Problem and Solution' topic

Problem-and-solution essays fall naturally into two parts, the first describing and exploring the problem, the second setting out the solution or solutions.

You essay structure should look something like this:

  • Introduction
  • Body paragraph 1 – Problems
  • Body paragraph 2 – Solutions
  • Conclusion

Examples to start your body paragraph:

  • One of the first problems of the...
  • Another problem that needs to be considered...
  • A possible solution to this problem would be...
  • One immediate practical solution is to...

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Globalization
  • International corporations
  • Local economy
  • Job creation
  • Resource allocation
  • Cultural diversity
  • Infrastructure development
  • Environmental conservation
  • Exploitation
  • Transparency
  • Accountability
  • Regulations
  • Fair competition
  • Cultural exchange
  • Ethical business practices
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