Nowadays, people can explore all of
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
through the
, including in the business world. Learning
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and up-to-date
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
and trends
byChange preposition
show examples
online courses and
are becomeChange to the active voice
show examples
a significant part of improving
the Correct article usage
show examples
businesses. By the way, even though online
learningsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
both benefits and something should have be
concernedReplace the word
show examples
, I still believe that online
learningsFix the agreement mistake
show examples
areCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
theCorrect article usage
show examples
waysFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to improve
employee'sFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, online education and training are easier and more convenient for employees. The reason is they can
courses and
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
from anywhere and
to Change preposition
show examples
all over the world, just
haveWrong verb form
show examples
anCorrect article usage
show examples
. it can let them access whatever
knowledgesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
they would like to learn even
are at home, or access
to Change preposition
show examples
the most recent
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
from the most notable trainers from
other partChange the wording
show examples
of the world easily.
InChange preposition
show examples
the same time, in the aspect of
companyAdd an article
show examples
, they are no longer
lostWrong verb form
show examples
workforcesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the employee
haveChange the verb form
show examples
to pause their work
for beingChange preposition
show examples
in the on-site class of training like in the past.
, the company can
update the most recent business
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
and trends that happening in other countries from their learning.
, there
haveVerb problem
show examples
some points that we should be concerned about online education and
. One point is
lackingWrong verb form
show examples
of human interaction, because of learning on the
itCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
can lose the relationship between employees that can help the atmosphere of working
a Correct article usage
show examples
better. Another point is stress, since online learning can
accessWrong verb form
show examples
inChange preposition
show examples
anytimeReplace the word
show examples
anyChange preposition
show examples
placesFix the agreement mistake
show examples
, the employer might expect their team to improve
skillsCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
more and more every single time. So, that can get them more
stressfulReplace the word
show examples
and lack
of Change preposition
show examples
in the workplace too.
In conclusion, I believe that online learning and training
haveVerb problem
show examples
. There are still the best
wayFix the agreement mistake
show examples
to develop
worker's skillsetsChange noun form
show examples
, because of easiness, convenience and full of useful
knowledgesChange the wording
pieces of knowledge
bits of knowledge
show examples
on the
. On the other aspects, there are some disadvantages.
lackingWrong verb form
show examples
of human interaction and
get Verb problem
show examples
a higher expectation to improve their skills everytime that
causedWrong verb form
show examples
to Change preposition
show examples
ofChange preposition
show examples