In the future, nobody will buy printed books or newspapers because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying? To what extent, do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is no denying the fact that e-books are getting more popular among the young generation.
it is a commonly held belief that reading everything online will have a bad effect on printed books or newspapers, there is
an argument that opposes it. In my opinion, I consider that everything in the future will be by using electronic devices.
To begin
with, it has a positive side which is an environmental benefit for the plant.
In other words
, if we do not use paper it means no more cutting of trees which will help the earth to
In addition
, it has easy access and convenient.
For example
, I can use it in any place and at any time because it has so many features that printed books
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Another point to consider, it has a positive effect which is cost saving, It is
possible to say that because it is known for it much cheaper because by one app I can read more than one book.
, There is more advantage to digital reading than disadvantage.
For instance
, young individuals will be more encouraged to read a book online than in traditional ways. In conclusion, despite people having different views, I believe that online reading is the best approach for young individuals to make them like reading and make it one of their hippies, it has so many positive aspects which I recommend parents should make a programme when for a half hour every day to use it for reading.
Submitted by abdelaah.12 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • printed books
  • newspapers
  • online reading
  • digital content
  • paywall
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-saving
  • environmental impact
  • traditional reading experience
  • ownership
  • personal connection
  • reliability
  • credibility
  • digital divide
  • accessibility issues
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