Today, as
are being developed, we can watch many
perform without directly going to a stage
thatCorrect determiner usage
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performance is ongoing
onChange preposition
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, even
thisCorrect word choice
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allows us to enjoy shows in our
homeFix the agreement mistake
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, that does not mean
the Correct article usage
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watching shows on the spot is no longer
. There are some reasons why
are still
Change preposition
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toChange preposition
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going to a
Fix the agreement mistake
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musicalFix the agreement mistake
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, stand-up
Fix the agreement mistake
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comedyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and so on. I firmly believe that seeing performances that
want to enjoy has
even though they can see them on the screen conviniently.
with, being in a show as an audience gives them unforgettable memories
aboutChange preposition
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shows they watched and would have been conducted in front of their eyes. First, I would like to ask
if they have been to a
holding a
light and wearing
which all audiences would get on
tooCorrect your spelling
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. If they have, I am
onChange preposition
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the opinion that they will not forget the voices and dance of singers they have listened
andChange preposition
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seen in that place. Because songs from televisions or smartphones'
speakerFix the agreement mistake
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are totally felt differently
formCorrect your spelling
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those of mics which
would wear. The feeling that I am with them and I am listening to their voices in reality makes
more passionate
forChange preposition
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real shows. That's why popular singers'
ticketFix the agreement mistake
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are booked up so
as many
want to go.
, they can feel
specialAdd an article
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bond with the
who love
sameCorrect article usage
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artists, which we call fans.
ImaginCorrect your spelling
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the hit
which Correct pronoun usage
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of fans who gather in
aCorrect article usage
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same mind
whichCorrect word choice
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cheer a person who will perform on the stage. A huge community that
areChange the verb form
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formulated at the place shares
Change preposition
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themCorrect your spelling
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a Correct article usage
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power of
or dancing in an
exciteReplace the word
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surroundingChange preposition
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other but
sameCorrect article usage
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, they can cheer their
much more gladly. The fact that they become one for a reason why they merely like
aCorrect article usage
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reminds us how easily
get closer
eachChange preposition
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, a lot of
or fans go to a
to feel
particularCorrect article usage
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connection which wires them.
, live shows are still crucial for many
who enjoy a show genuinely.
they cannot give
it Correct pronoun usage
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to hearChange preposition
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voices from their
in reality which are never
sameCorrect article usage
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toChange preposition
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auditary sound and they will meet
who are in love with their artists too and cheer them together feeling a special connection.