It is generally believed that acquiring knowledge through exploring books has wonderful effects on
. In comparison, the role of other platforms exceeds that of entertainment platforms like watching TV or playing
because they help develop the imagination and intelligence of young people. In
article, I will discuss these two concepts and provide some reasons why the former is just as effective as the latter when it comes to enhancing intelligence and
, a complete understanding of written material can benefit from digital usage and contribute positively to
's cognitive growth. In fact, researchers have demonstrated that reading is a process involving a complex network of circuits and signals within the brain. As your reading
mature, these networks become stronger and more complex. By taking
's reading of fairy tales as an example, we can see that they must think deeply, imagine, and use
to understand the core meaning, ideas, and reasoning behind the story.
helps them improve their psychological
, reading with full concentration is still a powerful tool for improving
. If
habit at an early age, they will become familiar with using words in the correct context and acquire a wide variety of vocabulary.
will effectively improve their writing
, particularly during school years. For
who speak more than one
, spending more time reading leads to better results.
, it is important to note that individuals who read consistently tend to exhibit more success in their lives, as evidenced by notable figures
as Barack Obama and Jack Ma.
, multimedia information obtained from digital platforms
as television or computer
is an engaging way of learning and developing
in teenagers. Today, there are numerous programs that cater to the educational and recreational needs of
by offering a diverse range of content
as cartoons, movies, and academic game shows. Since sight is more powerful than sound, by watching educational programs, teenagers can absorb knowledge more effectively and apply it to real-life situations better than those who gain the same information from reading books. In the case of video
, when there is a strong focus on the gaming atmosphere,
's cognitive abilities will improve significantly, including problem-solving, coordination, memory (which requires visual and auditory
), multitasking, and most notably: the speed of their brains. Specifically, playing computer
requires the use of both hands and the brain,
high concentration and the desire to become a champion.
, role-playing in the game requires
. In short, exposure to technological entertainment does more good than harm.
In conclusion,
reading significantly contributes to
and intellectual development, we must not underestimate the value of digital exposure. It undoubtedly enhances
, cognitive
, and practicality.