The charts below give information about the people use public library and the main reasons to visit in BritIain in 1991 and 2000

The charts below give information about the people use public library and the main reasons to visit in BritIain in 1991 and 2000
The pie charts
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the major reasons individuals frequented a general library in the
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in 1991 and 2000.
,more users visited to collect and return borrowed books in the two years . On one hand ,it was no news that
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people made use of the study facilities available
on the other hand
there was a new demand for motion learning which
caused a decline in reading habits. in 1991, citizens were more interested in hard copies as they borrowed and returned books (65) because of the possible underdeveloped technology, it can
be seen that there was more consumption of print media (15) even higher than the need to study and obtain information which
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relatively the same (10). As for 2000, the public
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still interested in books but there seemed to be a small decrease
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in 1991 (55) but people soon became more interested in being informed than in 1991 (20)
, the recent technological advancements of the 2000s encouraged need for videos (18)
reading of magazines and studying even decreased considerably.
Submitted by annodunowo on

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Linking words: Don't use the same linking words: "also".
Vocabulary: Only 6 basic words for charts were used.
Vocabulary: The word "decrease" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • data comparison
  • trends
  • usage patterns
  • visitors
  • accessibility
  • information resources
  • traditional libraries
  • online resources
  • technological advancements
  • community support
  • promoting literacy
  • educational resources
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