The maps below show the changes that have taken place at Forton Valley City from 2000 to 2010.

The diagrams describe how Forton Valley
transformed between 2000 and 2010.
underwent a number of dramatic changes, the most important of which are the disappearance of the park, the expansion of parking spaces and the replacement of some buildings to cater for educational needs. There were no transformations in the main roads including Sheffield Road located in the north of the maps and Dusby Road divided
area of
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into two parts.
, the shopping centre built on the corner of those roads remained the same after a decade.
, the farmland in the southwest of the diagrams was replaced by the playground
the dairy farm which was adjoining was expanded into the toy store and K.G School. The building which previously was K.G School changed to Forton University,
the infrastructure called
Hall altered its function to the library serving the public. In the southeast of the maps, the park was knocked down and replaced by the coffee shop called Versity Cafe.
In addition
, an extra car park
was established near the old one to satisfy the residents' demands.
Submitted by phuongdong.nguyentran on

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Vocabulary: Replace the words city with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "maps" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "diagrams" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: The word "changes" was used 2 times.
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