The chart below gives information about how families in one country spent their weekly income in 1968 and in 2018Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below gives information about how families in one country spent their weekly income in 1968 and in 2018Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
The bar graph illustrates the percentage of average weekly spending by
on different aspects in 1968 and 2018. Generally speaking, most family
was spent on food in 1968,
, 50 years later, family earning was mostly allocated to leisure. Food occupied 35% of weekly family costs in 1968, and it dropped from 35% to 17% of costs in 2018, contrary to that, housing only occupied 10% of weekly spending in
, it approximately doubled to 19% of weekly spending during 50 years. 6% of
was put into fuel and energy in 1968, in the year 2018, it reduced to 4%. In 1968, 10% of
' weekly earnings was spent on clothing and footwear, which halved in the given temporal interval,
, the fraction of
' weekly spending on personal goods has
reduced from 8% to 4%. It is interesting to notice that household goods' weekly
occupancy in 1968 was the same as it was in 2018. in 1968, 7% of
was spent on weekly transportation, and it surged from 7% to 14% in 2018, meanwhile, leisure costs a family every week skyrocketing from 1968 to 2018, which were 9% and 23% respectively.
Submitted by cyh000823 on

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Basic structure: Change the third paragraph.
Vocabulary: Replace the words families, income with synonyms.
Vocabulary: The word "reduced" was used 2 times.
Vocabulary: Use several vocabularies to present the data in the third paragraph.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • expenditure patterns
  • proportion
  • weekly income
  • accounted for
  • total expenditure
  • housing and utility expenses
  • transportation costs
  • other expenses
  • education
  • healthcare
  • leisure activities
  • spending patterns
  • witnessed a considerable rise
  • experienced a substantial increase
  • allocating a larger proportion
  • reducing their expenditure
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