"Prevention is better than cure." Researching and treating diseases is too costly so it would be better to invest in preventive measures. To what extent do you agree?

Incessant innovation in technology and advanced research in the medical sector developed cures for almost every disease. It is still claimed by
that it is better to practice safety measures to prevent illness rather than spend money on treatment. I strongly agree with
notion as a proactive approach to keeping one self-fit will not only improve our immunity but
save our savings for treatment costs.
To begin
with, using preventive measures informed by the
departments and the government is beneficial for an individual
as well as
for the nation. Any country no matter if it is developed or under-developed has a limited supply of
system so with the higher number of patients, its
budget can get disturbed and it cannot able to treat everyone. During the pandemic, as an example,
systems around the world completely failed
due to
the massive number of cases. Hospitals were short of beds and equipment, and
died because of the shortage of oxygen cylinders. Masks and maintaining safety distance were the only preventive measures which could save
, the pandemic era passed by taking preventive actions and following rules. To
solidify my argument, keeping oneself fit and consuming a healthy diet is better for saving our time and money for the future. The more
do physical activities, the less they get ill. Since the
sector is expensive, it is better to spend less amount on yourself rather than emptying lifetime savings in hospitals. In some countries
as India where
don't have
insurance should add essential nutrition to their food,
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they will lose their hard-earned money for paying hospital bills.
, awareness about the value of a sound body not only promotes a healthy life but
from taking hefty loans during an emergency. In conclusion, It can be deduced that investing in preventive costs is way better than investing in high-cost treatments. It impacts the economy of the nation and reduces the risk associated with the disease.
Submitted by Gursharan910 on

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Ensure that each paragraph has a clear main idea and that the supporting sentences are directly relevant to this main idea. Some paragraphs could benefit from more explicit topic sentences.
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Try to vary your sentence structures and link ideas within and between paragraphs using a wider range of cohesive devices.
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Focus on developing your arguments fully. You should aim to explain your points more thoroughly and provide more detailed, relevant examples.
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Ensure that the response fully addresses all parts of the task. The essay should present a clear position throughout the response.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • proactive
  • preventive measures
  • lifestyle diseases
  • public health
  • healthcare expenditure
  • cost-effective
  • chronic conditions
  • early detection
  • immunization
  • health promotion
  • risk factors
  • non-communicable diseases
  • disease surveillance
  • preventive diagnostics
  • health literacy
  • universal healthcare
  • primary prevention
  • secondary prevention
  • tertiary prevention
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