The chart depicted the proportion of revenues produced from the seven most popular film genres in the United States in 1995, 2000, and 2005 as a share of the total income in the US film industry for each year.
Adventure, thriller, and musicals fluctuated over 10 years, and adventure became the second most profitable genre after earning close to 25%. In 2005, the rate of thrillers and musicals
the lowest, at nearly 5% and 2.5%, respectively.
The fall in sales of action and drama films indicated a shift in people’s movie-watching preferences. In 1995, it was a drama that stood out as the most Correct subject-verb agreement
genre, and Change the spelling
at the end
of the survey, the percentage of the two kinds of movies was the same, around 5%.
Linking Words
In contrast
, there was a steady increase in the profit created by comedy and action. Comedy held the first rank for the rest of the survey with over 25%, and the other accounted for 7%.Linking Words