A large part of the population thinks that it is a great idea to make teenagers work in their free time to benefit the local community. Personally, I could not disagree more
due to
the following reasons. Teenagers are too young to work and they have to enjoy their age, Linking Words
, it would not be very positive for the local land because of demotivation.
Since time immemorial, young people worked the whole Linking Words
day to help their families and earn some money or food, fortunately, Correct determiner usage
is not the case today. Nowadays, teens prefer to enjoy youth with their family or friends hanging out, going to parties or only watching a film. Even if they have so Linking Words
free moments, it is the occasion to appreciate life because in some years they will be working every day with few holidays. Correct quantifier usage
In addition
, in their free moments, study takes an important place too. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
according to
Bruno Surroca, a Spanish teacher, teenagers are much happier in class when they are disconnected from their obligations during the weekend.
The community always wants the best workers to achieve the objectives. In agreement with Linking Words
, it could be a disadvantage to hire a young person because these people will often be more focused on Linking Words
another type
of goals Fix the agreement mistake
other types
as having fun, studying or getting a partner. Normally, they are not motivated, which can lead to poor performance in their Linking Words
working place
. Correct your spelling
For example
, a survey made by the BBC, says that 90% of teens would not be willing to have a job in their spare time.
Linking Words
To conclude
, I think that it is not a good idea to make minors work Linking Words
due to
their young age and lack of motivation to make these labours.Linking Words