Leave a
learningCorrect article usage
show examples
center is one of
going Verb problem
show examples
for spending
. Individuals who are studying are significantly
popular to vacation a
off from finishing
and going to university. All in all,
essay will
provedVerb problem
show examples
information about the
pronsCorrect your spelling
show examples
and cons
are Unnecessary verb
show examples
related to the issue
aboutChange preposition
show examples
spending one
for searching
and improving
anotherCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
searchingReplace the word
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
become Verb problem
show examples
lowestAdd an article
show examples
financial background
areVerb problem
show examples
more afford to
doingChange the verb form
show examples
to get income
forChange preposition
show examples
dailyCorrect pronoun usage
show examples
lifesCorrect your spelling
show examples
, they should have
and space for doing
another Replace the adjective
another activity
other activities
show examples
studyChange preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
kompas news found that between 2020 to 2023, the
studentsCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
at senior
hightCorrect your spelling
show examples
schoolFix the agreement mistake
show examples
in Jakarta rose significantly
atChange preposition
show examples
40% to 75% to
leavingWrong verb form
show examples
for searching extra
, the one reasons
ofChange preposition
show examples
leaveFix the infinitive
show examples
becauseAdd a missing verb
show examples
theChange preposition
show examples
to Remove the preposition
show examples
the Correct article usage
show examples
anotherCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
knowledge, the student who
spendChange the verb form
show examples
for Change preposition
show examples
Correct pronoun usage
show examples
areChange the verb form
show examples
more extra improving their self with
another new skillsReplace the adjective
another new skill
other new skills
show examples
, the
person'sChange noun form
show examples
will spend
for Change preposition
show examples
studying more in another learning
centerChange the spelling
show examples
, the papuan
student'sChange noun form
show examples
spend nine months for preparing IELTS for study
. In sum, the
person'sChange noun form
show examples
is spending
to Change preposition
show examples
Correct pronoun usage
their knowlegde
his knowlegde
her knowlegde
show examples
In conclusion, individuals becoming
popular to have a
of searching
moneyChange preposition
show examples
and improving
another skillsReplace the adjective
another skill
other skills
show examples