IELTS Writing Samples Band 3

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Nowadays, some countries portion of young adults increasing rather than elderly people. This essay will examine the benefit and drawbacks of population between different age ranges.
Big companies sometimes tend to create donations with their charities such as those who are in the vulnerable groups. There are part from their sales that they gained will be given either to the charities or leave it to their employees for their own benefits.
Children these days has given more freedom. Severalpeople arugmented that their children has the right to choose their own subjects that they are in to. Somewhat, there are people believe that for their children to learn is to study the general subjects required subsequently in life.
Film enthusiasts who argue that entertainment should be the sole purpose of movies highlight its crucial role in providing an escape from the daily stress of life. This is because watching a movie, particularly a comedy, gives viewers a roar of laughter and enhances their moods to a great extent. In addition, they claim that incorporating educational content such as history or geography into a genre such as romance or science fiction could detract from the viewing experience and make movies less enjoyable. It is therefore believed that films should focus on delivering pure entertainment, rather than attempting to impart any lessons or moral messages to the audience.
It is an irrefutable fact that nowadays' people are more lazy as Opposed to it heyday back in the 1900s. Such a trend could being about multifacted issues, which need urgent actions. This essay will analyze various reasons and the impact of this trend along with example in the upcoming paragraphs.
Many populations select public transport system whereas a few people choose to personal vehicles. This essay tries to differentiate the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing public travel facilities.
Some section of people believe that the best age of driving is 18 while other think that the age should be raised to 25 , as far as I am concerned I think 18 is the best age to start driving.
It is believed by section of people that assessing student is the best way of testing his abilities rather than far as I am concerned I believe that both of statement has taught I well discuss both of ideas in this essay.
some people say that being rich is a way for helping others.Well,some people agree with this statment and others disagree.I totaly agree, with this statment because helping others by the rich people will improve the society in general and it's a source of happenies for the society members.
The older generation often stick to traditional values regarding lifestyle, thinking, and behavior. However, the question is whether these principles help younger generations for the difficulties of today's life. This essay completely agrees that traditional values became irrelevant, because of outdatement and prevent young people's progress.
The view that wild animals are not necessary in the 21st century has recently begun to gain popularity. This essay completely disagrees with this opinion, because of the biological food chain and scientific importance of wild animals.
In our contemporary era,distance learning have become renowned in the society.However,many people,including me opt and relies on interractive learning by attending to lecture in a college because of the primary reasons such as motivation to proceed lessons and having challenges in learning online.
Recently individuals become as busy as expected to take care of old people. This writer believes that these days humans don't have sufficient time to look after their parents. The following essay will advocate the drawbacks and suitable solutions.
Nowadays Pop music is becoming very popular in the world and the pop music flowers growing day by day. Because pop music gives you the vibe of the songs the peoples feels the song and people get out of their problems while listening to such a type of songsOften people also dance according to the combination of the songs. Let me share an instance, My friend does a very stressful job therefore he gets tired but he said when he listen this type of music he forgets about the problems and stress in a way he feels very relaxed also he told me while listening pop songs he will able to complete his tasks more efficiently and in less time.But it depends on the person to the person some people don't like these songs like me when I listened to these types of songs it gives me headache and I feel uncomfortable.
Tourism has become popular across the whole globe . Hence, people visit attractive places and spend a large amount of money on them. In some sites , money earned from tourists has become an integral part of the economy. This essay will discuss the both advantages and disadvantages of depending on the tourism industry for money.
There is a statement that women more suitable to look after their kids more than men. I firmly disagree with this notion and I feel that for several reasons . This essay will demonstrates and explains theses reasons.
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