Being selfless is an important virtue of humankind, but the question remains : Do
values still exist in today’s world ? Clearly,
topic is a matter of controversy and warrants our attention. I completely agree that
give more
emphasizeReplace the word
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to their interests.
essay discusses the reasons and elaborates why
are becoming more selfish
The main rationale behind why an idea of individualism is prevalent across many societies
basedAdd a missing verb
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on the fact that schools are teaching less about social values.
increased competitiveness and explosive population growth, there is an imbalance between the available workforce and the availability of jobs.
has resulted in the educational system
to focusChange the verb form
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more on preparing students for employment rather than teaching social skills, which is inconducive to cultivating collaboration, empathy and a sense of community among the
, in my city, many schools have replaced the extracurricular periods at schools with main subjects in order to facilitate preparations for competitive exams,
as entrance tests for engineering and medical science.
fast pacedAdd a hyphen
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and stressful life is another factor why
think only about themselves. Given the fact that the cost of living has grown massively over the past few decades, individuals are exerting more effort at work,
as working overtime at workplaces, pursuing multiple jobs, and so on.
leaves them with
an Correct article usage
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inadequate time to forge deeper and meaningful relationships with their loved ones. As well
Correct determiner usage
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the Correct article usage
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arguments and conflicts occur more often among family members and friends
their irritability caused by work stress.
, in turn, prompts a person to think more about their self-interests and mental health than to contribute towards
the Correct article usage
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In conclusion, I support the idea that contemporary men and women
placeVerb problem
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think more of themselves.
is because our primary and secondary educational system prioritizes employability over teaching moral and ethical values, and
are less relaxed and more busy, encouraging them to focus on their mental well-being.