The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugual between1967 and 2007.

The graph below shows average carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugual between1967 and 2007.
The graph indicates
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how much CO2 is produced within a 40-year interval in five separate regions, The UK, Sweden, Italy and Portugal.
, it is explicit that these countries were
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into main groups in terms of the rate of emission. In more detail, The UK and Sweden followed a downward trend;
the statistics
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Italy and Portugal were on the increase. Focusing on The UK and Sweden, it can be seen that both of them in 1967 had the most amount of gas emission, roughly 11 and 8.5 metric tonnes respectively. Since that year, the UK’s data started to plummet gradually to reach 8.5 in 2007;
Sweden’s figure increased
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to more than 10 in 1977,
, it suddenly decreased to less than six in the final stage. Returning to Italy and Portugal, the scheme makes it clear that Portugal with almost 1.5 and Italy with a bit more than four ranked
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third and fourth.
, both of them grew steadily up to approximately 8 and 5 in 1997.
they became steady during the
30 years.
Submitted by n97.mortazian on

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Vocabulary: Rephrase the word "undefined" in your introduction.
Vocabulary: The word "increase" was used 2 times.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • carbon dioxide emissions
  • per person
  • United Kingdom
  • Sweden
  • Italy
  • Portugal
  • graph
  • compare
  • average
  • increase
  • decrease
  • trend
  • peak
  • decline
  • years
  • period
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