The illustration depicts the skeletal structures of humans preceding the time of evolution.
, there are two figures, one is Linking Words
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and Homo erectus. Use synonyms
In addition
, it is noticeable that the first ancestor seems to be larger and slumpier in size, whilst the other appears to have a leaner form.
Regarding the Linking Words
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, their skulls are not balanced, with a lopsided top part of the head and an asymmetry face structure. Since they were native tree climber, their upper bodies were characterized by a muscular and sturdy form, making them look more athletic and strong. The most significant and distinguishable feature they have are their hands and arms. Their hands are enormous and the length of their forearms is much longer than other huminins. Use synonyms
, the Linking Words
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has much narrower hips, knees, ankle joints, heelbones, and short tendons in comparison to the Homo erectus. These characteristics specialized them to climb better and discriminated them from other pre-modern humans.
Shifting to the Homo erectus, they have a better-shaped head and a short snout. They have lower and wider shoulders, which makes them appear to be more fit and balanced. Use synonyms
as they are known to be endurance runners, they Linking Words
have traits that discriminate them from other ancestors. Linking Words
that their gluteus maximus is much wider and their hip, knee, joints, and tendons are massive. Contrary to the Linking Words
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, their feet waned and the arch became more stabilized. These factors enabled them to be better runners than many other beings.Use synonyms