the Correct article usage
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recent years, there has been a noticeable trend where
is becoming an alarming phenomenon in a large number of
in Vietnam.
issue calls for
explained causes and immediate remedies to alleviate the problem.
There are two major aspects that lead to greater
. First and foremost, the increasing number of violent
contentsFix the agreement mistake
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on the Internet attracts lots of
. The advances in technology make it more effortless for young
to find and enjoy these types of channels these days, which may have affected their ways of
behaviorsReplace the word
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violently and aggressively.
, action movies or fighting games encourage the competence and battle spirit among
, which may translate into real-life ambition and the
needsFix the agreement mistake
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to battle and fight for achievement in real life.
, lack of politeness and respect in
behaviorChange the spelling
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is another important cause. To explain,
who find themselves
being Verb problem
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higherAdd an article
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class than others have a tendency to look down on other classmates and make use of physical strength to be dominant. These
often spread
negativeCorrect article usage
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atmosphere and
isChange the verb form
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full of hatred or jealousy when seeing an exceptional student;
, they will bully
student to feel satisfied.
Fortunately, we have come up with some measures to address
issue. One of the most vital roles belongs to the care
fromChange preposition
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and parents. Both of them should work together so as to keep the student’s usage of social platforms under control. In
are able to be exposed to useful
programmeswithoutCorrect your spelling
programmes without
programme without
worrying about the threat from negative ones.
, education on emotional responses and polite
behaviorChange the spelling
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ought to be advocated among
, so that
will understand the limitations of their anger and know how to control
temper rightly.
enables all
to act respectively when having arguments with
work out a way to maintain the relationship without
In conclusion, the causes of dramatic school
consist of two main sites: the growth in violent
contentsFix the agreement mistake
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and lack of respect in communication. It is recommended that
and parents should cooperate to improve the cyber environment for their
place great value on
mentaleducationCorrect your spelling
mental education
dental education
behaviorChange the spelling
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