Write an essay that summarizes and evaluates the key points of both texts. Use your own words to the extent

When you examine the topics “Shifing sand: Behavioural Change” and “Follow My Leader?”, you can see how generational differences and social expectations are evident in our social context. "Shiting Sands: Behavioural Change" shows how today's generations view technology as an important part of their lives.
In contrast
, older generations see devices as just another tool and, in many cases, it is believed that by using them they are more polite in certain situations. The important point is that we need to be able to be understood and understand other people's perspectives. A good example, I recently had a family dinner and my nephews were looking at her phone during the meal, we all felt
was disrespectful; But we have to understand that
is normal for them and is part of their life and communication.
On the other hand
, "Follow my leader" means conforming to the expectations that society and the environment have of us.
That is
, we must follow social behaviors to fit in,
as: studying, working, getting a good job, etc.
, the main idea of the text is that we have to follow social norms.
For example
, a friend's family is a doctor and wants him to be a doctor, he must follow the customs of his family and his expectations, but breaking
continuity would violate his family norms. In conclusion, it is important to be aware of generational and social changes, but at the same time we must respect and understand the perspectives of everyone else; In
way it is possible to have a society that values all points of view and we can focus on each one of us, on our needs and not on opinions.
Submitted by viataz33 on

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task achievement
To improve your task response, ensure that your ideas are fully developed and supported with more specific examples and details. This will help to illustrate your points more clearly and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic.
coherence cohesion
To enhance coherence and cohesion, consider using more transitional phrases and linking words to create smoother connections between your ideas. This will help to guide the reader through your essay more effectively.
coherence cohesion
Work on balancing your paragraphs to ensure that each one has a clear main idea that is well-developed and supported by relevant details and examples. This will contribute to a more organized and coherent essay overall.
introduction conclusion present
Your essay has a clear introduction and conclusion, which effectively frame your discussion.
complete response
You have addressed the key points of both texts, demonstrating an understanding of the main ideas and their implications.
supported main points
Your writing shows a good attempt to compare and contrast the generational and social expectations discussed in the texts.
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