Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many paid practitioners are trained in different parts of the globe depending on their field of
as some continents are more sophisticated
in particular
, some people argue that they should be working in the same
where they studied and others oppose
argument. In
Change the capitalization
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will discuss these two perspectives and a reason why I side with the latter.
, getting hired in the same region that you
in is often interpreted as a form of tribute to the
For instance
, medical students and surgeons in Indonesia are urged to work in the
for at least 5 years before being able to choose their own hospitals and occupational areas.
governance is made to ensure the prosperity of Indonesia's health conditions and a strategy to tackle the shortage of health
around the region.
, it is proven to be beneficial for the practitioners to be occupied in their
's education.
On the other hand
, the freedom to migrate may benefit the
and the respective
simultaneously. To elaborate, if
scenario is applied, society will have the flexibility to seek the best career plan for themselves and the region will not face the lack of professionals from a more obscure field of
as they are scattered evenly around the world.
For example
, the advanced engineering
in Germany may cause the scarcity of nurses and dentists as they do not have much institution that focuses on these fields,
why free migration is the right way to prevent
phenomenon. To summarise, the balanced proportions of
in certain disciplines, which is caused by the ability to work everywhere around the world clearly overshadow the advantage of limited migration rules.
need to be wise
to select
Change preposition
in selecting
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their choice whether to migrate or stay in the same area of their education
Submitted by pink panther on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure that the essay has a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should open with a clear topic sentence.
coherence cohesion
Aim for clarity when presenting your arguments. It is important that each paragraph focuses on a single main idea, followed by supporting details and examples.
coherence cohesion
Be mindful of paragraphing. Each main point should be developed in its own paragraph.
task achievement
Address all parts of the task. Ensure that your essay responds directly to the question asked, covering both views presented and your own opinion.
task achievement
Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to convey your ideas effectively.
task achievement
Make sure to provide specific and relevant examples to support your views. Vague or general examples weaken your argument.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • professionals
  • doctors
  • engineers
  • required
  • training
  • home country
  • cultural
  • linguistic
  • advantages
  • economic impact
  • free
  • another country
  • globalization
  • international collaboration
  • improving
  • skills
  • knowledge
  • experience
  • opinion
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