In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Write 250 words within no more than 40 minutes.

has been a perpetual topic of discussion that in the near future, most of the paper printed material including
, newspapers and research journals will be replaced completely with the resources available on the
and people will no longer be interested in buying paper-based stuff. Majority of the people will be driven to the
are available free of cost and many other advantages.
essay strongly agrees with the above-mentioned argument and will prove it with substantial facts backed by logical reasoning.
available on the
bear no threat to natural degradation.
, there is no possibility that these
can be stolen, misplaced or dispelled in case of natural disasters because these
are available in cloud-based technology.
In contrast
that are printed are disposed to seasonal changes resulting in the deterioration of their material
as ink, paper and binding material.
means, there are strong changes that can be altered or no longer usable.
, for the
available on the
there is no cost involved,
attracting more readers. Most of the
are now available in chronological order which makes it easy for anybody to search
on any topic.
can save a lot of time and
flexibility and ease brings a tremendous amount of readers to browse through the
rather than go into libraries for the scriptures they like to read.
For Instance
, leading research has shown that the sales of
from bookstores have decreased tremendously because of their availability on the
To conclude
, online resources are more economical, save time and offer a lot of flexibility. All the positive aspects made it challenging for the printed form of
to draw the attention of the masses towards them.
In addition
, it can be easily inferred that the future belongs to online reading materials and not to those who are more fragile and prone to damage.
Submitted by M.zeshan5999 on

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coherence cohesion
To score higher in coherence and cohesion, ensure that your essay flows seamlessly from one point to another. Using varied transitional phrases can enhance the readability and logical sequencing of ideas.
coherence cohesion
Introduce each paragraph with a clear topic sentence and follow it with supporting sentences. Avoid overgeneralizations and make sure that each paragraph concentrates on a single main idea.
task achievement
For task achievement, develop your ideas fully. While you have made valid points, they could be more fully expanded with additional details and examples. Aim for a balance between breadth and depth in your content.
task achievement
Include more specific and varied examples to support your arguments. Real-world examples, statistics, or studies can help solidify your points and give your essay more authority.
task achievement
Pay attention to minor grammatical errors and ensure that your sentences are clear and concise. This will not only improve your overall score but also make your arguments more compelling.

Your opinion

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • e-books
  • digital media
  • tactile experience
  • screen fatigue
  • digital divide
  • sustainable living
  • niche market
  • accessibility
  • cost-effective
  • environmental concerns
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