Public concern regarding the requirement of implementing a zero tuition fee for all stages and backgrounds is increasingly topical since some individuals argue that it must be accessible for all people. In response to
aforementioned issue, I thoroughly disagree with
proposed perspective in order to implement free education owing to infeasibility and lack of eagerness.
, it is obvious that
government’sCorrect article usage
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toAdd a missing verb
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provide free cost for schools so students can get free access
ofChange preposition
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all facilities, especially for the needy
whichCorrect pronoun usage
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theCorrect article usage
show examples
low probability
to learnChange preposition
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argument is misleading since there are many
offeringWrong verb form
show examples
to handle learning
costFix the agreement mistake
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the Correct article usage
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poor pupils.
, the practice is not feasible since the government
haveCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a budget constraint to accommodate all
by providing several posts for medical, environmental, and social purposes.
, the cost of facilities, teachers’ salaries, and accommodations, which can support learning activities, require a huge fund.
, the country still
needChange the verb form
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supportsFix the agreement mistake
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from the parents to pay educational
expenditureFix the agreement mistake
show examples
for their children.
, cost-free
for Change preposition
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participatingReplace the word
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in learning programs contributes
lackAdd the particle
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of students’
to study materials.
is because scholars feel that there is no loss in their budgets to get profound
explanationFix the agreement mistake
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from their teachers.
, it leads to
decreaseCorrect article usage
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theirChange preposition
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focus on studying and
takeWrong verb form
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unseriouslyReplace the word
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. Taking Jember as one example,
a Correct article usage
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research conducted by McKinsey in 2008 reported that some districts, namely Jember, Situbondo, and Bondowoso, applying zero tuition fees for all levels experienced only 78% of pupils attending
in Change preposition
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the classes.
number was less than educational institutions which require money from their parents by contributing 97% of
, applying cost-free for educational purposes was a bad decision as it leads countries to face difficulties because of unreliability and less
for students.