Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion.

The rising concern about consuming no meat or fish is widely believed by some individuals as they argue that
viewpoint is beneficial for their well-being and society as a whole. I will shed light on
issue in
essay. Nowadays, it is apparent that choosing a healthy diet without meat or seafood is
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agreed among some citizens for multiple elements.
tendency undoubtedly supports the citizens’ physical health as products from animal
consist of detrimental components, which can cause various diseases namely obesity, and heart attack if there is excessive consumption. The reason for
trend is that these kinds of food contain unhealthy fatty acids and cholesterol.
, becoming a vegetarian will tangibly assist dwellers in avoiding the risks of getting multiple health issues.
In addition
, citizens have the capability to stay in shape and improve flexibility. A clear explanation for
viewpoint is that fruits and vegetables are tangibly rich in nutrition,
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, and minerals. Take Lebron James, who is renowned as an American basketball superstar
for instance
. Basketball players are inspired by his talent. Lebron indicates that his meal solely contains a large number of various types of salads, fruits, and smoothies. And his
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drink is a fruit milkshake, which helps him to recharge his battery after a match. Another factor to concern is the advantages of stopping consuming any kind of meat or fish in the world.
deviation will preserve the diversity of natural habitats, which is necessary to protect the environment since numerous animals are potentially beneficial to the forest and different
, but not least,
it is clear that
hunting activities will shrink significantly since there is no demand for consuming
As a result
can support the survival of rare
namely rhinos, and elephants In conclusion,
according to
the aforementioned illustrations, it is evident that having a vegetarian diet is likely to provide a healthy lifestyle and decrease the risk of seeing doctors.
conserves biodiversity and wildlife.
In addition
, it
decreases the risk of extinction among some
Submitted by quynhtranhbh on

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coherence cohesion
Ensure a clear and logical structure by organizing your ideas into well-defined paragraphs. Each paragraph should address a distinct aspect of the topic or argument.
coherence cohesion
Include an introduction and conclusion to frame your essay, which you've done, but they can be more succinct and direct. Clearly state your thesis in the introduction and summarize the main points in the conclusion.
coherence cohesion
Support each main point with specific examples and explanations. While you provided relevant examples, like the reference to Lebron James, ensure all examples clearly support your arguments and are directly related to the topic.
task achievement
Provide a comprehensive response to the task, addressing all parts of the prompt. Make sure your opinion is clearly stated and explored throughout the essay, with a conclusion that reiterates your standpoint.
task achievement
Develop clear and comprehensive ideas, ensuring that each paragraph introduces and expands upon a single main idea. Refrain from introducing new ideas without fully exploring them.
task achievement
Include a variety of relevant, specific examples to support your points. These can be real-life cases, statistics, or reputable studies, and they should be directly related to the health and global benefits of a vegetarian diet.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • Plant-based diet
  • Chronic diseases
  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Deforestation
  • Water consumption
  • Mitigate climate change
  • Natural resources
  • Animal welfare
  • Humane and ethical choice
  • Healthcare costs
  • Sustainable farming
  • Legumes
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan
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