Some countries have introduced laws to limit the working hours that an employer can ask from an employee. Why are these laws introduced? Is this a positive or negative trend?

Nowadays, countries implement putting imitation policy on the working
of an employer if he asks for it, and an employee cannot resist.
is all because workers decide to take more
to earn more money.
, employers tend to struggle with a horrible work-life balance, which can
lead to disease development.
essay aims to explain the reason the policy was introduced and the benefits of it. A new policy will have an enormous impact on people's lives. As people spend most of their
working, they fail to spend
with family and friends.
, these kinds of people are more likely to have a lack of socialising, and
as a result
, numerous diseases
as depression may occur. To illustrate, my mom is an HR manager which is not an easy job. Once in 4 months, she becomes weak and exhausted after working more than 10
a day and doesn't have
to simply go out. She is obligated to go to a psychologist every two weeks.
, overworking can affect an employee's life in a way that causes stress. To clarify, every person who works more than 8
a day is highly inclined toward stress.
law has advantages both outside and inside the organisation.
In other words
, employees will have enough
to spend on their hobbies or other outdoor activities
as sports, art and courses.
For example
, if a person worked only 8
he would have spent remaining
learning a new skill.
, it enhances productivity inside the organisation by giving them motivation to finish the work faster.
To sum up
, extended work
have specific negative effects on employees. Enforcing the regulations can improve the health of employees. employ public resources more wisely and boost worker productivity
Submitted by naira.gumar on

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