International travel is becoming cheaper and countries are opening their doors to more and more tourist. Do the advantages of increased tourists outweigh disadvantages.

Recently, several nations have taken the opportunity to decrease the cost of going abroad to bring more tourists into their territories. I believe they can enhance the economy through
practice, and
advantage far outweighs any potential disadvantages. One drawback of increased tourism is the risk of environmental issues.
In other words
, the expansion of vacation places will decline natural resources and drive up waste from the industry.
For instance
, since Bali began receiving foreign guests a few decades ago, its farmland has decreased by 400%,
the amount of trash produced by the entertainment industry has increased by 300%.
, I think it can be minimized if the government conserves green areas and implements adequate waste management.
On the other hand
, the potential benefit of the strategy is that it can boost the financial sector.
due to
the fact that these tourists will spend their money on local markets and hotels, leading to a growth in money transactions in the region.
For example
, Thailand has presented its tourism products at international events and meetings and provided the simplicity of visa applications for foreigners.
As a result
, a number of overseas citizens come to the country for holidays, honeymoons, and business gatherings, causing them to spend their cash on local hotels, restaurants, and supermarkets.
, these behaviours have contributed to Thailand's annual income growth of 200% in a five-year period, which is unlikely to happen if the authorities do not open their homeland to foreigners. I think
can greatly benefit them since the funds can be used to improve public facilities
as hospitals and schools. In conclusion, given that a rising number of overseas travellers visiting countries would result in environmental problems, I believe
downside is far outweighed by the upside that it can grant more funding for the regions to build accessible public amenities, particularly health clinics and novel institutions.
Submitted by ru.kabiru.biru on

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To improve task achievement, make sure to clearly address all parts of the prompt in your introduction and throughout your essay. An explicit statement in the introduction about how the advantages outweigh the disadvantages will strengthen your position.
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Include more varied sentence structures and transitions to guide the reader through your argument more smoothly. This will enhance the flow and coherence of your essay.
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Though you provided examples, integrating a wider range of evidence and data could make your arguments more persuasive. This includes statistics, studies, or more diverse scenarios.
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To further improve coherence, ensure that each paragraph has a clear main idea and that all sentences within the paragraph support that idea. Avoid deviating from the main topic of each paragraph.
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