You have been busy with your studies for the past month and haven't had time to visit your family. Write a letter to your grandmother. In your letter: Apologize for not getting in touch with her sooner Explain why you have been so busy Arrange a time to visit Write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses. Begin your letter as follows: Dear Grandmother,

Dear Grandmother, I am writing
letter to apologize that I could not make my trip home for a long time. I still remember the
visit that I had almost a year ago and, the pictures we took always remind me of the great memories we had together.
, as I have been enrolled in a computer programming course for 2 years, it requires a lot of hard work to accomplish work at the time
as assignments.
, I have a hectic schedule
due to
the part-time job that I am doing
Correct your spelling
show examples
from my studies to balance my finances.
, I am planning to visit you in the following month because I will have a course break for 10 days. I am so excited to see you again and, I have already made some plans that where I will visit during my stay. I hope you will understand my situation. I am looking forward to getting your response and, thank you for your precious time. Your lovingly, Talwinder Singh
Submitted by sandhuarsh1320 on

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task response
Ensure to address all parts of the task directly. While your letter includes an apology, an explanation, and plans for a visit, more specific details and emotional depth would enhance the response.
Maintain logical flow between paragraphs, connecting ideas smoothly. Your letter generally follows a coherent structure, but transitions can be improved for a more natural progression of thoughts.
To boost cohesion, use a broader range of linking words and cohesive devices. This will strengthen the connection between sentences and paragraphs, making the letter more cohesive.
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