The impact of the mobile phone on modern communication

We are living in an era of gadgets and smartphones; communication never has been so easy.
our mobile phones have now become a must-have item in our lives, not always these
are beneficial for our mental health and there are multiple reasons why we should reassess when to use, or not, these
in our daily lives. Smartphones have multiple advantages which make them really attractive to the general public. They allow us to contact our loved ones anytime and from anywhere.
, these apparatuses
make possible alternative communication options like sending emails or having video calls.
, they are not only used to communicate; you can read a book on them, listen to some music, or do some exercise lessons.
, all these positive attributes of mobile
come at a cost. As it has been well researched and documented the use of these cell phones has remarkable negative effects in humans and on the way we connect face to face.
For instance
, people find it difficult to maintain full attention during face-to-face encounters with friends and have the urge to check their phones.
, the communication between parents and children is affected as the mobile
take over talking time, In conclusion, smartphones are an incredibly useful apparatus that has revolutionised the way we communicate, providing us with so many different options.
, we should never forget the importance of face-to-face interaction and how important
is for the development of our minds and for our well-being.
Submitted by olatzbaroja on

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task response
Clearly introduce your essay with a thesis statement that outlines the two main points you will discuss. This sets the reader's expectations accurately.
task response
Make sure to provide a balanced viewpoint on both the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones in your essay to fully address the prompt.
coherence and cohesion
Use a variety of linking words to improve the flow between sentences and paragraphs, enhancing the coherence of your essay.
coherence and cohesion
Develop your main points further by adding more specific examples or data to support your arguments. This will strengthen the persuasiveness of your essay.
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