The given two pie charts illustrate the percentages of women alumni from Aberforth University between 1990 and 2015 in five categories . It is clear from the graph that , it can be seen that Education has the biggest portion in the earliest time. Meanwhile, in 2015 the proportion of Education was the same as in Medicine.
According to
what is shown, there are three majors that have a big amount in the 1990 era. The quantity of Education was about 40%, which decreased significantly and became 25% Linking Words
at the end
of the initial year. Trailed by the Arts accounted for about 25% and steadily decreased by approximately 15%. Linking Words
, Medicine increased by around 5% from the first position to 25%.
Linking Words
To sum up
, we could say that, at the beginning of 1990 the categories were much smaller Linking Words
as Management and Engineering accounted for 10% and 5% respectively. Meanwhile, in the Linking Words
2015 Management and Engineering increased by about 20% and 15% each. The percentage of Engineering was equivalent to The arts.Linking Words